BOUGENVILLE FLOWERS (Bougainvillea sp.)
Bougenville flowers are popular colorful ornamental plants. The shape of a small tree that is difficult to grow upright. Its beauty is attractive from its beautifully developed flowers and attracts attention to grow with its forest. Besides being known as the flower, this ornamental plant from South America can also help overcome health problems, including boils, hepatitis, prickly heat and vaginal discharge. This plant is known by the Latin name Bougainvillea. One characteristic of the bougenville plant is the presence of betanidine, saponin, polyphenols, isobetanidin, 6-o-P-saphoroside, and 6-o-rhamnosysophoroside (Uma et al., 2019).
Morphological Character
Habitus: Shrubs. Bougenville stems are climbing; hanging shrubs, height of 2 - 4 m; has round woody branches; broad; has a diameter of 5 mm - 8 mm; brown; compound. Bougenville flowers include compound flowers, umbrella 3-15 flowers; the flowers are diverse; there are yellow, red, pink, purple, white and so on; petals are 2-4 mm in tubes; flower rate 5-8; nail-shaped; fine-haired. The same pair of leaves is connected by transverse protrusions; one-leaf pinnate leaves; wide leaf blade round to elongated; flat-edged; pinnate or three to five-boned. Bougenville has a buni fruit that is ripe with shiny black; 1 cm long; two seeds or due to failure of one seed and has no grooves.
Kingdom : Plantae
Divisi : Magnoliophyta
Kelas : Magnoliopsida
Ordo : Caryophyllales
Famili : Nyctaginaceae
Genus : Bougainvillea
Spesies :Bougainvillea spectabilis
Referensi :
Uma,N.U.R., Dede, G.A.N.D., & Yen, O.Y., 2019. Proposal Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Ekstrak Bunga Bougenville dan Daun Cocor Bebek Sebagai Zat Antibakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Malang : Ikip Budi Utomo Malang.
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