Rabu, 22 Januari 2020


BENGAL TRUMPET (Thunbergia grandiflora)

Bengal trumpet (Thunbergia grandiflora) is a perennial green vines of the family Acanthaceae. This plant is native to China, India, Nepal, Indochina, and Burma, and is widely naturalized in various other places. Common names in English include: Bengal clockvine, Bengal trumpet, blue skyflower, blue thunbergia, blue trumpetvine, clockvine, skyflower and skyvine.
Morphological character
This plant height can reach 20 meters. And has a long root system with deep taproots. The leaves are berpetiol and opposite each other have a rough surface and varying sizes; the shape can be like a triangle or oval and the edges may be jagged; bumpy or plain. The length of the leaves  20 cm, and the width 6 cm. The flowers are colored white; length 8 cm with a 4 cm long. The pods contain seeds that scatter up to several meters when cooked. This plant also multiplies through its parts that move through waterways.
Kingdom           : Plantae 
Division          : Tracheophyta
Class                  : Magnoliopsida
Order                 :  Lamiales
Family                : Acanthaceae  
Genus                : Thunbergia Retz.
Species               Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb.

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