Senin, 20 Januari 2020


YELLOW IRIS (Neomarica longifolia)

According Ferreira (2019), Neomarica is a genus of the Iridaceae with several ornamental species, including Neomarica caerulea (walking iris) and N. Longifolia (yellow iris). Neomarica longifolia is a plant native from Brazil. It occurs in the sand dunes along the coast of the southeastern states and also in the state of Minas Gerais It has been used as an ornamental because of its. Showy yellow flowers (Paula, et al., 2018).

Morphological character
Habitus : herbaceous plant; plant height of 10.3-120cm. Stem diameter <2cm; cylindrical rod shape; green stem color; surface of barren rods. Petiole length 30; the color of the green leaf stalk; flat leaf base; flat leaf edge; tapered leaf tips; the color of the leaf surface is green, the color of the leaf surface is pale green; Leaf reinforcement is parallel. Position of the flower on the plant at the tip; Yellow flower color, there are reddish brown spots in the middle.

Kingdom           : Plantae
Divisi                 : Magnoliophyta
Class                  : Liliopsida
Ordo                  : Asparagales
Famili                : Iridacedaceae
Genus                :Neomarica
Species              Neomarica longifolia

Reference :
        Ferreira, B. W., de Paula, M. G., María del Carmen, H. R., & Barreto, R. W., 2019. Taxonomic clarification of two Cercospora spp. causing leaf spots on Neomarica spp. in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 155(2), pp.697-705.

       Paula, M. G., Barreto, R. W., & Ferreira, B. W., 2018. First report of Botrytis cinerea causing gray mould on Neomarica longifolia. Australasian plant disease notes13(1), pp.21.

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